WOW!! Time flies... a year passed by!
Can't imagine Reyes is officially 1 year old.
Happy birthday to you, Reyes!
But of course will need to congrats myself being a fairly good mommy!
Hahaha.Hey it's really not easy looking after a kid, esp a hyper-active one. Everyone commented Reyes is long (aka tall) but I would think reason being he's skinny, not exactly the chubby type toddler. Skinny...yes... not at all chubby looking as my neighbour's gal who is only 2 days older! Simply because he can't sit still for a sec!! That's how active and attention seeking he is =p
Papa said he's a "energy sipper" ... what a papa to be calling his son that! Haha but I do agree though.
Initially our plan is to hold a mini birthday celebration @ Changi Sea-View which was already booked months ago, only to realise it's not good for belated celebration. And we deemed it as much of a hassle to be inviting friends and relatives to the event. In the end, we just went over to my mum's place for a simple cake-cutting session, going through some standard traditional procedures like :
1. Wearing a brand new set of clothes
2. Stepping on 2 "Ang Gu Kuehs" with new shoes
3. Letting him to pick 1 item out of the "goodie plate" which consists of Calculator, Chicken Drumstick, Abacus, Book, Ruler and a Pen. The significance of each individual item supposedly to be :
Calculator : to be a accountant / in financial field / v calculative
Chicken : chef / food lover
Abacus : seriously I do not know what's the diff for it with calculator
Book : Analyst / a bookworm
Ruler : Arhietect / Punisher
Pen : a writer / ?
Guess what he choose ???? .....
Stepping on the "ang gu kuehs"
Touching the drum... *yummy* can this be eaten??... I m hungry!
After minutes on the drum.. he took the Calculator!
------------------------- Cake Cutting Time ---------------------------
------------------------- Mommy, Can I eat alrdy?? --------------------------