3 weeks ago on my FB wall post reads: "I am so determined to go through normal delivery, please let it happen!"
Lots of friends sent me words of encouragement and I felt even more determined & motivated!
For my 2nd child it will be VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caesarean) and it won't be as simple as it seems to be or rather as I thought it will be. Dr.Chen was obligated to tell me the possible risk involved for VBAC and leave the ultimate decision to us. There will be a 4-10% risk of womb rupture due to the previous surgical cut, and when that happened it will cause blood loss to mother and oxgyen supply cut-off to baby. It sure sounds scary huh? That's what Jimmy felt and would not tolerate risk like that. But my surgical cut was like 3-4years old, would have heal completely by now - but how can I insist on VBAC w/o a supportive hubby? Afterall it's our baby. I chanced upon these real-life stories related to VBAC and was really happy they made it through. If only I am one of them. http://vbacsupportsg.blogspot.com/
But it's ok. Utimately as long as my baby is safe & healthy, that's all it matters.
A tint of self-consolation?
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